Can you fly with a Shillelagh?

2 min readAug 2, 2023

Flying with a Shillelagh? TSA Says No! Discover 50+ Bizarre Items You Can Bring Instead

Are you a fan of settling disputes in a gentlemanly manner? If so, you might appreciate the idea of carrying a shillelagh — a traditional Irish walking stick and cudgel — during your travels.

However, before you pack your stout knotty blackthorn stick with its distinctive knob at the top, there’s some bad news: the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) does not approve of shillelaghs in carry-ons.

The Shillelagh: A Symbol of Irish Heritage and Folklore

Derived from the Irish word “sail éille,” meaning “thonged willow,” shillelaghs hold a special place in the hearts of the Irish people.

Initially used as walking aids in the rugged Irish countryside, these wooden weapons have evolved into versatile tools for self-defense. Beyond their practicality, shillelaghs are deeply rooted in Ireland’s culture, history, and folklore.

Intriguingly, Irish mythology attributes mystical powers to shillelaghs, often linking them to fairies or leprechauns. Legend has it that a shillelagh crafted from a specific tree or blessed in a certain way could offer protection and even render its owner invincible in battle.

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Craftsmanship: An Art Form Preserving Irish Identity

Crafting a shillelagh is an art form in itself. Skilled artisans carefully select blackthorn wood, renowned for its strength and durability.

The wood is meticulously seasoned and shaped, resulting in the distinctive knob at the top. Each shillelagh carries unique markings, knots, and patterns, reflecting the wood’s character and the hands that shaped it.

Throughout Ireland’s history, the shillelagh has symbolized the resilience and determination of its people.

Acting as a metaphorical rallying point for Irish unity in the face of adversity, it has been immortalized in Irish literature, folklore, poems, songs, and stories, passed down through generations.

Discover 50+ Bizarre Items You Never Thought You Could Bring on an Airplane

While bringing a shillelagh on board might not be an option, there’s a fascinating world of bizarre items you might not have considered bringing during air travel. From quirky gadgets to peculiar souvenirs, the TSA has some surprising rules and allowances.

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Remember, the shillelagh might be best left at home, but there’s always something distinctive and fascinating to bring along on your journey! Happy travels!




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